Split buffers: a variation on the gap buffer data structure

I've been working on a text editor component for a terminal-based SQL editor called prequel. In the process, I've done some research on several common data structures used to manage the text in text editors. While I still haven't quite decided on a favorite, one particularly interesting data structure is called the gap buffer.

It has a couple of characteristics that I don't care for, so I started experimenting with variations on it to address some of my concerns. I came up with a variation with some pros and cons, which if not useful is perhaps at least interesting. But before we jump into that, some background information on gap buffers would probably be helpful.

Gap buffers

A gap buffer stores the entire contents of a buffer (in this case, the text being edited in a text editor) in one big array. Inside this array, a gap section is placed where the cursor is. This gap is used to optimize the most common operations performed in a text editor: moving the cursor around, inserting text, and deleting text.

The gap buffer is used by quite a few text editors. One example is GNU Emacs.

A gap buffer stores a string of text in a single array in memory. Here's how the string "a buffer" would look in memory:

Each character occupies one position within the array. In order to turn this into a gap buffer, the array is divided into three sections:

In the diagram above, the cursor is sitting between the b and the u characters. The sections are as follows:

  • pre holds the characters before the cursor
  • gap is the cursor itself, a sort of scratch area we can use to perform common text editor operations like inserting or deleting text
  • post holds the characters after the cursor

These sections are not physical parts of the array, they're virtual: in a gap buffer implementation we have to write code to keep track of which parts of the array belong to which section. This is the main complication I wanted to solve.

To move the cursor, we have to move the gap within the buffer. If the user presses the left arrow key to move the cursor one character to the left, we move the last character from the pre section into last slot of the gap section:

We have shrunken the pre section and grown the post section. The gap has shifted to the left, meaning the cursor is now between the space and the b character:

Inserting text is pretty simple too. To insert the character g at the cursor's position, we expand the pre section and put the inserted character in the new slot:

With only one slot left in the gap, we can only insert one more character:

The gap is still there, but it's empty. The cursor is between the a and the b, but we have no more room to insert characters without overwriting something else.

To insert more characters, we have to do something a bit more complicated than the other operations:

  1. Allocate a larger array
  2. Copy the pre section into the beginning of the new array
  3. Copy the post section into the end of the new array
  4. Free the original array

We resize the array to expand the gap:

In this example, the array has been increased by two characters and the post section has been moved to the end of the new array. This leaves two new slots in the gap section we can use to insert up to two more characters:

The original string "a buffer" has been edited to become "a gap buffer".

A gap buffer implementation

To demonstrate how this can be done, let's look at a very stripped down implementation of a gap buffer in code. I chose Go over C so we can skip some of the memory allocation boilerplate.

Here's all the information we need to store about a gap buffer:

type GapBuffer struct {
	data    []rune
	preLen  int
	postLen int

The fields are:

  • data is an array of runes. A rune in Go is a Unicode code point. For our purposes, you can think of it as a signle character. This is the array containing the pre, gap, and post sections.
  • preLen keeps track of the size of the pre section.
  • postLen keeps track of the size of the post section.

We also define a few convenience functions to make some of the calculations elsewhere a little clearer:

func (r *GapBuffer) gapStart() int {
	return r.preLen

func (r *GapBuffer) gapLen() int {
	return r.postStart() - r.preLen

func (r *GapBuffer) postStart() int {
	return len(r.data) - r.postLen

These convenience functions let us clearly refer to the beginning of the gap section, the size of the gap section, and the beginning of the post section. All three are derived values which we don't have to store directly.

We need a way to get a string of text into and out of our gap buffer. Let's define a SetText() function to copy a string of text into the gap buffer:

func (r *GapBuffer) SetText(s string) {
	r.data = []rune(s)
	r.preLen = 0
	r.postLen = len(r.data)

This converts the string into an array of runes and stores them in the data array. It assumes the cursor starts at the beginning of the buffer, so preLen is set to 0, which makes pre empty: there is no data before the cursor. postLen is set to the length of the entire buffer, since the entire buffer is after the cursor.

When we're done working with the data in the gap buffer, we'll want a way to retrieve the complete string:

func (r *GapBuffer) GetText() string {
	ret := make([]rune, r.preLen + r.postLen)

	copy(ret, r.data[:r.preLen])
	copy(ret[r.preLen:], r.data[r.postStart():])

	return string(ret)

Since there can be (and usually is) a gap of empty text somewhere inside the buffer, we want to return only the pre and post sections. So we create a new array, copy the pre section into the new array, and then copy the post section after it. This skips the gap section entirely, which is really just an internal tool of the data structure: consumers of this gap buffer shouldn't care what's going on internally.

Now that we can get data into and out of our gap buffer, let's allow the cursor to be moved around. Remember that the cursor in a gap buffer is represented by the gap section itself. So all we have to do move the cursor around is shift the gap left or right depending on the direction the cursor should move:

func (r *GapBuffer) CursorNext() {
	if r.postLen == 0 {

	r.data[r.preLen] = r.data[r.postStart()]

When CursorNext() is called, we first make sure the cursor isn't already at the end of the buffer. If the post section is empty, there's nothing left after the cursor, so there's nothing to do.

As long as the cursor isn't at the end of the buffer already, we can move the cursor forward one character. We do this by copying the first character from the post section to the end of the pre section. Then we grow the pre section to absorb the newly-added character and shrink the post section to release the removed character. The gap (and the cursor) has been moved to the right.

Moving the cursor in the other direction is the exact inverse:

func (r *GapBuffer) CursorPrevious() {
	if r.preLen == 0 {

	r.data[r.postStart() - 1] = r.data[r.preLen - 1]

Assuming we're not already at the beginning of the buffer, we copy the last character from the pre section to the slot right before the beginning of the post section. The pre section is shrunk and the post section is grown. The gap has been shifted to the left.

We can also delete characters. Deleting a character from a gap buffer is pretty slick:

func (r *GapBuffer) Delete() {
	if r.postLen == 0 {


To delete the character immediately after the cursor, all we do is shrink the post section. This effectively grows the gap section to include the deleted character. We don't even need to overwrite the data: since it's part of the gap section now, it's effectively gone from the text. Pretty magic, eh?

Deleting a character immediately before the cursor (like what happens when a user presses the backspace key) is quite similar:

func (r *GapBuffer) Backspace() {
	if r.preLen == 0 {


We just shrink the pre section, which grows the gap section to include the deleted character in the opposite direction.

Destruction is obviously fun, but let's try some creation. Inserting text is pretty straightforward, provided there is enough room in the gap section to contain the new text. Things get a bit tricker if the gap section is empty:

func (r *GapBuffer) Insert(c rune) {
	if r.gapLen() == 0 {
		newData := make([]rune, len(r.data) * 2)

		copy(newData, r.data[:r.preLen])
		copy(newData[r.postStart() + len(r.data):],

		r.data = newData

	r.data[r.gapStart()] = c

If the gap section is empty, we have to expand it before we can insert the new character.

We first create a new array called newData and allocate twice the size of our existing data array. We double it each time because this is an expensive operation which, in the worst case, requires copying the entire buffer. By doubling it each time, we make this costly operation occur less and less frequently as the buffer gets larger.

Once we have the new array allocated, we copy the pre section into the beginning of the new array and the post section into end of the new array. This leaves a new gap section between them which now has at least one slot available for the new character.

Finally, we insert the new character by copying it into the first slot in the gap section and grow the pre section to absorb the new character.

Gap buffer runtime analysis

In gap buffers, operations which take place around the cursor are extremely fast, but seeking (moving the cursor a long distance) is relatively slow.

Moving the cursor one position

Moving the cursor left or right by one position at a time requires moving a single character from one side of the gap to the other and adjusting the sizes of the pre and post sections. No matter how large the file you're editing is, moving the cursor around like this will take the same amount of time. This makes it a constant time O(1) operation.

Deleting a character from before or after the cursor

Deleting a single character from before or after the cursor is also a cheap operation: in both cases, either the preLen or postLen is decremented. No matter how big the file is, this will take the same amount of time, making it a constant time operation.

Inserting a character at the cursor

Inserting a character where the cursor is requires a bit more analysis. When the gap section has room for the new character, all we have to do is copy the new character into the array and adjust preLen to absorb the new character. This is a constant time operation.

However, when the gap runs out of space for new characters, we have to allocate a new array and copy the entire buffer over to the new array. This has a linear runtime O(n), meaning that this operation will get slower as the buffer being edited grows.

Luckily, there's a common strategy we can use to reduce the impact of this occassionally slow operation. By growing the gap exponentionally each time, we can make these costly operations occur less frequently as the buffer size grows. Averaged out over time, the vast majority of insertions will run in constant time with only the very occassional linear runtime operation. This is known as amortized constant time.

Long distance cursor movements

While gap buffers have very good performance for operations local to the cursor, the biggest weakness is in long distance cursor movements. Moving the cursor arbitrary distances requires continually copying characters from one side of the gap to the other and adjusting the sizes of pre and post repeatedly until the gap has shifted far enough. This makes it a linear runtime operation in the worst case (example: seeking from the very beginning to the very end of the buffer).

Split buffers

The gap buffer is a really nice, simple data structure for a text editor. There are only a couple of things about them I don't care for, and a major one is having to manage the gap between pre and post sections.

As a possible improvement in this area, I came up with what I'm calling a split buffer. It's basically a gap buffer with the data rearranged so there's no gap to be managed.

Like before, let's take an initial value of "a buffer" and place the cursor between the b and the u. To do this, we need to split the string into pre and post arrays:

Notice these are separate physical arrays in memory, not virtual sections in one combined array.

Now we need to reverse the post array. This is done to improve the performance of operations around the cursor. It's much cheaper to make changes to the end of an array than to the beginning.

Once the post array is reversed, the data should look like this:

Notice the flow of characters wraps around. The first character in the buffer is the first character in the pre array. The last character in the buffer is the last character in the post array. So the buffer is chopped in half where the cursor is.

Unlike the gap buffer, there is no gap. Or another way to put it is that we have an unlimited gap which is the "space" between arrays. Despite the data being laid out differently, many operations remain very similar. For example, to move the cursor to the left, move one character from the end of the pre array to the end of the post array:

Which produces:

Moving the cursor to the right is done exactly opposite: move one character from the end of the post array to the end of the pre array:

To delete the character in front of the cursor (as in pressing the delete key), remove a character from the end of the post array:

And to delete the character behind the cursor (as in a backspace), remove a character from the end of the pre array:

Text insertions are improved quite a bit over the gap buffer version. To insert text before the cursor, toss it onto the end of the pre array:

The text "split bu" has been added to the buffer as if it was typed or pasted in at the cursor's location. Notice we didn't have to check if the gap was large enough, conditionally reallocate the array, then copy pieces of the array around. We just appended the text to the end of the pre array.

To get the complete text back out, we first reverse the post array, putting it back in normal order:

Then we combine the pre and post arrays into the complete output:

A split buffer implementation

Let's implement a basic split buffer in Go! We need to store two arrays:

type SplitBuffer struct {
	pre  []rune
	post []rune

The fields are:

  • pre stores the characters before the cursor.
  • post stores the characters after the cursor, in reverse order.

As with the gap buffer, we'll need a way to get data into the split buffer. We'll assume that when SetText() is called, the cursor should be reset to the beginning of the text. So the pre array should always start out empty. The entire buffer should be in post, but in reverse order. We'll need to start with a function to reverse an array of runes:

func reverseRunes(src []rune) []rune {
	ret := []rune{}

	for i := len(src) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		ret = append(ret, src[i])

	return ret

With that in place, we can can copy the data into the structure:

func (r *SplitBuffer) SetText(s string) {
	r.pre = []rune{}
	r.post = reverseRunes([]rune(s))

We set pre to an empty array and set post to the entire buffer, reversed.

To get the text back out of the buffer after making some edits, we need to reverse the order of the post array again to get it back in normal order, then concatenate the pre and post arrays:

func (r *SplitBuffer) GetText() string {
	ret := make([]rune, len(r.pre) + len(r.post))

	copy(ret, r.pre)
	copy(ret[len(r.pre):], reverseRunes(r.post))

	return string(ret)

Moving the cursor around is a matter of moving characters from the end of one array to the end of the other. To move the cursor to the right, we copy the last character in the post array to the end of the pre array. Then we chop the copied character off the end of the post array:

func (r *SplitBuffer) CursorNext() {
	if len(r.post) == 0 {

	r.pre = append(r.pre, r.post[len(r.post) - 1])
	r.post = r.post[:len(r.post) - 1]

To move the cursor left, we do the opposite: we copy the last character in the pre array to the end of the post array and shrink the pre array by 1:

func (r *SplitBuffer) CursorPrevious() {
	if len(r.pre) == 0 {

	r.post = append(r.post, r.pre[len(r.pre) - 1])
	r.pre = r.pre[:len(r.pre) - 1]

Deleting the character in front of the cursor is done by chopping the last character off the end of the post array:

func (r *SplitBuffer) Delete() {
	if len(r.post) == 0 {

	r.post = r.post[:len(r.post) - 1]

Deleting the character before the cursor (as in a backspace keypress) is done by chopping a character off the end of the pre array:

func (r *SplitBuffer) Backspace() {
	if len(r.pre) == 0 {

	r.pre = r.pre[:len(r.pre) - 1]

Inserting some new text before the cursor can be done by adding the new character to the end of the pre array:

func (r *SplitBuffer) Insert(c rune) {
	r.pre = append(r.pre, c)

Notice that the insert is quite a bit simpler than in the gap buffer, since we don't need to keep track of three sections within a single array or deal with copying them around. It's just a straightforward append, since there's no gap to manage explicitly.

Split buffer runtime analysis

Just like with gap buffers, operations taking place around the cursor are fast, but moving the cursor a long distance is pretty slow. The runtime complexity of a split buffer is similar to that of a gap buffer, except for one difference: while local cursor movements in a gap buffer run in constant time, they run in amortized constant time in a split buffer.

Moving the cursor one position

Moving the cursor left or right by one position at a time requires moving a single character from one side of the gap to the other and adjusting the sizes of the pre and post arrays. This is normally a constant time operation. However, because pre and post in a split buffer are separate physical arrays, they will occassionally need to be resized and have their contents copied, which is a linear time operation. We can grow the arrays exponentionally to get this down to an amortized constant time.

Deleting a character from before or after the cursor

Deleting a single character from before or after the cursor requires deleting one character from the end of either the pre or post array. This is always a single operation, so it runs in constant time.

Inserting a character at the cursor

Character insertions work by appending new characters to the end of either the pre or post array. On average, this will run in constant time, but occassionally a full reallocation and copy will be necessary. This makes it an amortized constant time operation, the same as it is in the gap buffer.

Long distance cursor movements

Moving the cursor long distances requires repeatedly moving each character from one array to the other. This is a linear operation, just like the gap buffer.


The main thing still bothering me about both of these data structures is the linear seek time.

I'm not sure if the split buffer is a net improvement over the gap buffer. By choosing the split buffer you get simplified inserts and less moving parts when performing cursor operations. However, the split buffer also has slightly worse runtime complexity: in the case of local cursor movements, it trades constant time for amortized constant time. Many people consider these to be effectively the same runtime for practical purposes, but I don't really like the lack of predictability that comes from occassional linear operations popping up among otherwise constant operations, even if they're incredibly rare.

I'll probably continue to think about this and explore other stream data structures. Feel free to get in touch, any suggestions or notes would be great!